It took me a while to really get on board with Instagram - I just didn't get it. What was the point when there Facebook? Yet once I got it, I tooootally got it and realized that even though it's a more public place than Facebook, it was somehow more private. I found myself identifying with people from all over the world that I know merely nothing outside of what their pictures portray. I found so many women who, like me, were fitness fanatics and pregnant and documenting as they moved through pre- and postpartum. I found myself in awe of so many of these women, but also found it hard to completely from the sheer fact that some of these women lived in warm climates where there is more access to quick fitness, and another large group of them stayed at home or had jobs as trainers or nutritionists - which is AWESOME but for the full time, working mom who has a job on the go, or a lifestyle on the go, this wasn't real life. I knew that I wanted to be an inspiration to "my people" and be able to set realistic goals and offer advice, tips and yummy recipes along the way.
First thing's first - there is such thing as a healthy, fit pregnancy and a postpartum "bounce back". I also want to shed some light on c-sections and recovery.
It's a positive! Only took 7 tests before it finally came up with the line :) |
My goal before I got pregnant was to lose 5-7lbs (which sounds so silly, but that's a good amount on my frame). The premise behind this was to be in the best shape I could be in and good and lean. I planned on working out, hard, until i physically couldn't anymore. That all sounds fine and dandy, but the reality was this - I didn't lose the weight but ended up so sick the first trimester (and often thereafter) that I ended up losing about 5 -7 lbs in that first trimester. When I say I was sick, I'm talking some days all I could stomach was bread and butter, or noodles. Anyone who knows me knows that those things are not normally on my meal plan - which leads me to my first thought:
Last pic I got of the bump - Kennedy arrived at 38.5 weeks |
If you're sick during your pregnancy, the most important thing is fueling your body so that it an fuel your growing baby. Don't worry about dieting or super clean eating if you can't keep anything down. If you're feeling good - try and still eat clean if you were already doing so.
Eating clean during pregnancy: pregnancy is not the time to START dieting. I recommend trying to get acclimated to a healthy, clean, lifestyle BEFORE you get pregnant. This will make it a habit and make it easier to stick to versus trying to quit pizza cold turkey. The very thought of veggies and salads brought me juicing at the jaw, wanting to vomit - and I LOVE that stuff. Imagine hating it. Not good.
Clean eats,,,most of the time: greek yogurt with honey, salad with sunflower seeds, fresh mozz (pasteurized), almond milk, blackberries, eggs, oatmeal |
Be prepared for bumps in the road that require you to change up your plan. I was put on "pelvic rest" at 13 weeks. This meant, among other things, no intense workouts (I was allowed to walk and, through begging, do prenatal yoga and lift upper body). Up until then I had still be running sprints, spinning, dancing and continuing my normal workout routine. I didn't get that lifted until 28 weeks and midway through - i was put on more strict rest due to a low lying placenta. If my heart rate got up too high, i risked rupture and could literally hemorrhage to death. In other words - I had to learn how to stay fit and be fit...but also follows the rules and be safe.
Indulge when you have cravings, but don't do it the second you get the craving or all the time. You supposedly will crave different foods based on what your body is lacking - I have heard of vegetarians who all the sudden want a big, juicy, burger - they were lacking iron. Give in to the cravings. I did - but I had a rule. I would wait a day or two and see if I was still craving that. I made it a treat and made sure that I really wanted it (I didn't crave anything out of the norm, but my cheeseburger desire was heightened a bit). Don't deprive yourself - giving in every now and again isn't going to take you from gaining 20lbs to gaining 40 lbs.
Burger indulgence at Lockdown |
Walking is a great thing for your body and your joints - especially in the long run. If you're a runner and you can continue to run - do it, Run as long as you can. BUT - know that if you can only walk,walking is proven to be better on your body over time than running. The goal is to keep active, not keep at a marathon pace.
Find ways to stay true to who and what you are - make time for your significant other to to embrace your last months together!
Find a way to make time for yourself after the baby - it's so necessary for mental wellness. Share with your partner what you need. Having time to even just walk some evenings was a God send and really helped me stay sane when I felt like I had no control!