Thursday, January 21, 2016

TVA Engagement - The Bloom Method

This post is all about a little savior named Brook Cates who I found on Instagram at around 34 weeks pregnant.  She is a personal trainer who specializes in working with women in all stages of pregnancy.  Her coaching for prenatal and postnatal focus on something she calls "The Bloom Method" where she teaches various breathing techniques that keep the TVA (transverse abdominis) in tact and ones core strong during and after pregnancy.

I obviously did a lot of work to stay fit on my own, but adding this to my routine toward the end, and really embracing it right after I gave birth, definitely helped in my healing process.  Even with having a c-section, this methodology is safe enough to start within a week of giving birth (for a c-section, and same day with a natural birth).  There is also a focus on engaging and strengthening the pelvic floor, another necessity during and after pregnancy.  Engaging in these types of exercises make natural birth delivery easier, minimize the risk of rectus abdominis (where the abs separate during pregnancy) and minimize incontinence.

I can say from my own experience that even when I was super pregnant...I could still see my abs, especially where they were really strong.  And in surgery, my OB noted how strong my abs were, as she was ripping through them.  BUT - post c-section, my stomach was soft and flabby looking, I don't think I've had a stomach like that since I was in grade school.  I immediately emailed Brooke to see when I could start my postnatal program and within weeks, was working on reengaging my core.  Yes, there were times afterwards in which I was uncomfortable, but each time I found my abs a little more and felt stronger.  I fully plan on working with Brooke my entire pregnancy the next time to really get those abs strong and engaged, especially knowing that I will have to have a c-section again.

Some takeaways about The Bloom Method :

  • Helps keep core engaged as one moves through all the changes of pregnancy
  • Helps minimize pelvic and back pain
  • Effective in post - birth re-engagement 
  • Easy to do anywhere! I would even do it when I was driving or cooking if I didn't have time to work out. 
Here I am: Several weeks pregnant (I actually weighed 3-4lbs less than my normal weight there), a few weeks postpartum after one of my first "belly pumping" sessions and 8 weeks postpartum using The Bloom Method techniques

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