Saturday, February 16, 2013

Freezer Breakfast Burritos

I've come to realize that there are a few ingredients and or spices that seem to appear in almost all of my recipes.  I don't know if its preference, availability or simplicity, but if this gets repetitive, I'm sorrrrry (have you ever seem Simon Birch? I'm trying to say sorry like him in the baseball scene, YouTube it). 

Anyways, as most of my stories go, my poor hubby would eat a bag of chips and drink a 2 liter of pop if I weren't around. In fact, I've seen him do it. I'd often walk in for a weekend visit only to find a 2 liter, open and being drunk straight from the bottle and various opened bags of chips.  Real healthy.  

We're getting older - as much as I try to hold onto my youth with the pictures in my cubicle being one from when I was a jr. in college and one from my senior year, the inevitable is happening.  With that, I personally worry about my metabolism dropping. Did you know that after the age of 20, your daily expenditure decreases by 150 calories every decade? And your basal metabolic rate decease one to two percent every decade? HORRIFYING! As I've entered into the so called "upper 20's" range, I'm more aware of both mine AND Steve's metabolism more than ever. 

The kid doesn't eat  breakfast.  He can go until 4 pm on a weekend without a single meal. Can you IMAGINE what's happening to his metabolism? I watch as it slowly heads towards oncoming traffic, headed to it's eminent death.   With his busy season, its even more of a challenge to keep us right on track. He works 12 hours a day - we eat dinner at 8:30/9pm - the gym is not seen quite as often.  Time for breakfast.  Breakfast jump starts your metabolism and has been proven to increase your metabolic rate if you've slowed yours down.

Enter - the freezer breakfast burrito. It's quick, compact, convenient and you get your protein, your fiber and your calcium all wrapped in a neat little package. Best of all? EASY. 

Freezer Breakfast Burritos

12 La Milagro Wheat Cassaera Style Tortillas (They're fajita tortillas so they're thicker than the norm)
1 Lb Jimmy Deans Breakfast Sausage, browned and drained
8 Eggs
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/4 C half and half or heavy whipping cream
1/2 C Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
1 -1 1/2 C Diced Potatoes, Fried

Scramble eggs with cream, salt and pepper.  Cook but leave slightly wet (they will microwave better when you reheat them this way.  Put 1 - 1/2 tbsp of sausage onto a tortilla, top with 1 tbsp potatoes and 1 - 1 1/2 tbsp eggs.  

Top with cheese as desired and wrap burrito styled (fold in outside edges as you roll from end to end.  Wrap in plastic wrap and place in freezer bag.  Recipe will make almost the whole dozen depending on how much you stuff them! These can be frozen and reheated simply by removing from the freezer and microwaving for 2 minutes! 

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