Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Hunger Games - Day II - Dead Tribute

Boooop, boooop, booop. It's day two and that's the sound of me flatlining. Today was horrible for the Usana reset. I'm not even going to try and sugar coat it. I'm starving, I'm crabby and I might be lacking a pulse. I know I'm over dramatic from time to time, most of its of affect and to entertain myself but holy space balls, I might be dead right now.

All jokes aside, I've had a constant headache all day and it eventually turned into the type of migraines I get that leave me nauseous. By one pm I found myself staring at the computer scree not being able to focus on anything except when I could finally go home and nap. The day drug on longer than any day i could ever remember. Five minutes felt like hours. Was all is worth it? No gym again, I planned on doing some YouTube workouts post nap but couldn't Ben get yield up long enough to heat up frozen food for Steve. Haha this is pure madness!


Complete 180 from yesterday. I feel energized, slept amazing and wasn't even hungry when I woke up. Interestingly enough, I have had some of the best sleep ever on this cleanse I'm sleeping and I already have a great relationship. I don't find myself waking up at all and I feel refreshed in the morning. I had my shake in the morning and then didn't even feel the need to have the bar for snack but had half of it anyways. This went on like that all day really, by the time I went to training at 430 I hadn't even finished my second full snack for the day and didn't need to make my dinner shake before going. Training was rough, my body was definitely feeling the change in calories over the prior few days. I pushed through it despite the constant nagging feeling of light headedness (I'm crazy and don't recommend this). I didn't even find it necessary, hunger wise to have the full servings of fruit and veggies recommended. Phew - I can make it through! At weigh in I had lost nearly 2 lbs from the end of my previous session Saturday (4 lbs from the beginning of that session). This reset is clearly working. Be advised that I am getting around 1200 calories, 70g of protein and around 120g of carbs so the reset is definitely nutritionally sufficient. I can do this!

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