You can read the entire article HERE and I highly recommend you do. The first step and perhaps the most important one to weight loss/healthy living/fitness is having a realistic body image and an understanding of where you fall in terms of fitness and health. Just because you weight 154 lbs doesn't necessarily mean you're "fat" - look at the model on the right. Yes, she's tall (6'1") - however she clearly has lean muscle as well. Its so important to understand that piece...lean muscle. I would rather look like I weight 120lbs because I have lean, toned limbs...that be 120lbs and just look like I haven't eaten in days.
So - this weeks challenge. I am still trying to uncover what I eat in the states that I didn't eat in Europe that causes me to hold weight. Last week I watched my animal protein intake and I was able to lose a lb and maintain - I was back down to 133.8 but my most recent weigh in was 134. I'll list my stats below. This week I am going to continue that and also watch my dairy intake - but not eliminate it. The goal is to lose 1 lb/ week and tone up and lean out. I am going to continue watching how much protein I get from animal sources, eat a bigger breakfast than I'm used to and watch how much dairy I am intaking. We'll see if I see any changes!
18% body fat
134 lbs
GOAL - more room in my jeans, lean out, lose - 133
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