Wednesday, August 28, 2013


A few observations before I start: 1.) I'm a jerk. I realize that I perhaps need to retract a statement I made in an earlier post. I do not think poorly or people who take selfie photos, nor do I look down on them or think they're idiots - to each his own, right? So it's not my thing - who cares? So with that, I sincerely apologize if I have offended anyone or hurt any feelings - I thought I was being funny and later reflected on my raw thoughts. 2.) i might have seen the epitome of "FML" today and I sadly found it humorous. As I walked Rosie, I witnessed a dad with his two kids and the nearly 3 year old sprinted across one street in anticipation of running across the next. As the little boy waited patiently at the corner for a car to pass (thank God), the dad nonchalantly dropped the handle of the wagon containing the under one year old and casually sauntered towards the child on the run, shoulders slumped, face expressionless. I couldn't help but, well, laugh but also wonder, "was this the act of a man thinking 'fml', or merely a calm, passive man?"  Don't know but funny anyways. 3.) I apparently still think gluten free and wheat free equals healthy. I need a reality check - and I need to hide those yummy brown rice chips. Back to basics. 

Last week I traveled and made it known that I would recalibrate after my trip. Initial update is that I'm back to where I started which doesn't surprise me. I'm starting to think that maybe, considering my muscle mass that I'm where I'm supposed to be but the competitive spark in me tells me to keep pushing forward and see if I can hit my goal. We're starting a competition at work next week and this might be just what I need - I don't want to show up and weigh in and have gained. I'm considering picking up spinning again - but I'm kind of a gym whore (my keys hold swipe in tags for pulsation yoga, title boxing and fitness 19 - isn't adding wheeling park district excessive?). Well see what happens. 

Staying strong and getting strong - it's all about how you're feeling!   

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