Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tomato Basil Soup with Cheesy Quinoa Cakes

We went to an awesome wedding this weekend, but as a result, my life is in shambles.  How does it happen that after the age of 25...unless you drink allll the time that your body gives you a big ol' "eff you" whenever you drink? This is my nightmare.  Needless to say, instead of preparing for the week over the weekend and grocery shopping and the whole kit and caboodle, I had to menu plan and grocery shop and cook, and workout and play softball all on Monday.  This is also my nightmare.  

This meal was satisfying, quick and delicious. It's Meatless Monday so I wanted to ensure that I stuck to that even though we literally had nothing to eat.  It's a sad day when come 9:30pm on a Sunday night, only one meal's been eaten and there's really nothing else.  Steve and I were hungry and his poor naive self thought that he could just have cereal - milk's rotten buddy, not happening.  I ate a half a flatbread...in the microwave, with cheese.  Shambles. 

Monday was a redeeming day - I whipped up the soup and quinoa cakes, stuck to my Meatless Monday and left the house (and the dog) smelling deliciously of roasted garlic. The challenge with Meatless Monday is always that I want

a MEAL - not just an item.  See that's part of the challenge in cooking.  It's one thing to be a good COOK, but it's another thing to be able to cook things that go together.  I went to one of my favorite local microbreweries and burger places this weekend and they had added some new burger options. The one was called "The King" and it was an all, prime beef burger, with bacon, bananas and peanut butter.  It's being able to put those flavors together and make them amazing - and that's the challenge. 

That being said, the cheesy quinoa cakes made a bit of a spoof on the classic tomato soup and grilled cheese - there was a nice crunch to them and they paired perfectly with the salty and savory soup.  

Crispy Quinoa Cakes 
Serves 4

2 C Cooked Quinoa
1/3 C Italian Blend Shredded Cheese
2/3 C Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
1 egg, beaten
3 T Corn Flour 
1 T prepared pesto 
1/2 T EVOO
Salt and Pepper
2 T Canola Oil for frying 

Combine ingredients. Form into 3 inch patties.  Heat canola oil, add patties and cook on each side until browned, approximately 5 minutes/side.  Remove from heat and allow to drain on papertowel. Sprinkle with cheese and dallop pesto. 

Tomato Basil Bisque 

1 T Olive Oil
1 Large Red Onion, diced
3 Cloves Garlic, minced
1 Can 28 oz Crushed Tomatoes
1 C Heavy Whipping Cream or Half and Half +more for garnish
6-8 Leaves Fresh Basil, chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste

Heat oil in large stockpot, add onions and season generously with sea salt and pepper, cook until softened and slightly browned. Add garlic, cook another minute careful not to burn the garlic.  Add crushed tomatoes. Bring to boil, then reduce to a simmer for approximately 15 minutes. Remove from heat and puree in blender until smooth.  Add back to stock pot, add in whipping cream, fresh basil and salt and pepper to taste.  Allow to simmer 15 minutes or until slightly thickened.  Serve with fresh basil and a drizzle of heavy cream.

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