Sunday, January 26, 2014

Green with Envy - Ultimate Green Juice

It's always so interesting how the people you wish to have in your life, seem to leave it far too early and those that you wish you could replace, seem to never go away.  I've learned something as I've grown older, that there are people one will never change, and that those people live in jealousy, envy and competition.  I'm a salesperson, I like competition as much as the next person, but I also draw a line to where it is unnecessary.  

I'm about to go on a mini-preaching, so if you just want to get the juice recipe, skip down below the GIF :). 

Everyone chooses their own path in life. For me and my husband, we chose being responsible, planning what we could plan for and enjoying the things we work hard for.  I was raised by a family that taught me the value of working hard and being grateful for the things you have, no matter how big or how small.  I remember growing up (and I still can't help it sometimes now) being so proud of an awesome steal I got.  There was nothing better than getting an compliment on something and being able to proudly state, "Thanks! I got it for 80% off," or "OMG - it was only $10". What I more clearly remember though, is the humbleness my grandma and my mom tried to instill in me in those bargains.  My grandma would consistently remind me that I didn't have to tell people how much I paid, or what I got it for, because ultimately, it didn't matter.  Who doesn't like a good deal, right? But this has taught me not to be boastful - that no one needs to know the things I buy or how I buy them - that its no one's business but my own. 

I'm going to be frank here.  I'm a people person, I have a job where getting people to like me is important - and when I can't accomplish that, it bothers me a little.  But I also have come to realize that unless people take the time to get to know who I am, and care about the good things that I do and the people that I impact who can see the true me - are all that matter.  

Early twenties: finding out someone was gossiping about you.

Life In Your Early Twenties Vs. Your Late Twenties
Late twenties:
Life In Your Early Twenties Vs. Your Late Twenties
I've come to realize that there will always be people who look at others and make assumptions as to who and what they are.  It's, unfortunately, part of human nature.  But those who are good people, who are genuine and sincere, will see the good that comes from the people that they judge and embrace their genuineness instead of masking that with their envy.  Take the differences that you see from other people, the things that make them powerful, successful, gracious, kind - and learn from them.  My family was always advocates of helping those in need - and not doing it for recognition; not doing it so that they can tell anyone that they encounter how gracious they had been, but because it is the right thing to do.  I've embraced that as much as I can and cannot wait for the opportunity to teach my children that it's important to help others in any facet of life - out of the goodness of ones heart - not for recognition. 

Let me hop off my soap box for just a minute here to deliver what I'm sure you are all really here to read - my ultimate green juice.  Packed with ingredients that nurture the body and aid in digestion, this juice delivers a refreshing kick with some ginger. Ginger is an amazing root.  It packs over 12 types of anti-oxidants and combined with mint and lemon, aids in digestion. It also aids in inflammation caused by overused muscles or menstrual cycles. Mint also has digestive properties and aids in soothing of muscles. Combine all of that with the b-complex benefits of spinach and kale and you're on your way to optimum health! Here's the trick though - "juice" from a juicer is not the same as something that is "juice" texture but has a bunch of extra stuff in it.  Juice from a juicer is more nutrient dense and is more hydrating than filling. It extracts only the nutrients and leaves the fiber and pulp in the strainer.  A smoothie, however, will break up all the pieces of the fruit and vegetables and often has more calories and is less nutrient dense for the calorie count.  Those who follow a "standard american diet" probably could use the fiber and would benefit from adding any kind of juice in their diet, because its probably better than what they're getting now.  

Green with Envy Juice
Makes 4 - 8oz Servings

1 Whole Cucumber, Skin Included
4 Large Leaves of Kale
2 Cups Spinach
1" x 1" Fresh Ginger Root, Skin Removed
2 Green Apples (Granny Smith or Golden Delicious)
4 Celery Stalks
5 Mint Sprigs
1/2 Lemon

In juicer, combine cucumber, kale, spinach, ginger, apples, celery and mint.  It helps to roll the mint in the spinach, followed by one of the heavier ingredients (apple, cucumber, celery) so that it does not fly all over the place.  Once completed, squeeze in lemon, stir to combine. Juice will remain fresh and nutrient packed if kept refridgerated and in an air-tight container (I use these) for up to 3 days. 

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