Friday, January 3, 2014

It's Been a While...

So, life got busy.  In October the new fiscal year started for my company which means that I, as a sales person, have been swamped trying to get the year off to a good start.  Aside from that, there has been travel, and sales conferences, intense workouts and weddings, more travel and holidays.  But don't think for one minute that just because I haven't been posting...that I haven't been cooking.  

Perhaps the most challenging part of being a "food" blogger is that it requires the time when cooking to ensure you measure things out instead of just a touch of this and that and that you take pictures throughout.  I'll admit - in the midst of all that is busy - I have lacked in some of those departments for some recipes that turned out fabulously, but will still deliver to you what I can.  

In 2014 Steve and I are taking a new focus on our health.  There will most likely be a lot of gluten free, paleo friendly and health friendly recipes - but fear not, cheat meals are usually in tact and of course I believe in the 90% mantra.  If you are dedicated 90% of the time, there is 10% room for those decadent meals and snacks every once in a while.  So here's a look at some things to come: 

  • Grain Free Taco Pie
  • Sweet Potato Paleo Hash
  • Butternut Squash Ravioli
  • Praline French Toast for Two
  • Chile Relleno Quiche (gluten free)
  • Middle Eastern Meatless Monday (did I post this already?) 
  • Kale Salad with Dried Pomegranate 
Here's a peak at what's been keeping me so busy these past few months: 

My award winning Halloween Costume

The Grand Ole Opry - Nashville, TN
Cupcake Decorating with my Mom

Celebrating Steve's brother and Sister in Laws Nuptials

Baking Thanksgiving Pies with my Dad - a 20 year tradition

Karaoke for Steve's Birthday

Christmas Decorations

Standing up in one of my best friend's weddings

Playa del Carmen - reading and relaxing


Holiday baking - slurp! 

The snow fall that never stopped

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