Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Whole 30 Challenge - Days 1 and 2

I decided to embark on a Whole 30 challenge - AKA Paleo lifestyle for at least the next 30 days.  I'm a pure glutton for bad weekend binges and one too many calories from beer and decided that if I wanted to truly challenge myself, that I would have to be strict and realistic.  I have done Paleo before, but also bent the rules as I saw fit.  Before my wedding, my diet was mostly starch free and fast, fried food free, alcohol free- the whole gamete. I figured, why not see if I can push myself to my limits and embark on both a mental and physical challenge.

I had been asked several times in the past few months if I had ever considered competing in a figure competition.  The questions intrigued me and got me curious as if I could put myself through such a strenuous and strict routine.  Based on when I would want to compete and our heavy wedding season, I deemed it unrealistic for this year and decided to at least see where I could go being almost as strict as if I were competing.  The concept started in which I was going to do the 21 day Beach Body Challenge.  After research and looking at what restrictions there were, I came to the conclusion that the 21 day challenge mostly eliminated things that I already avoid for the most part.  Enter the Whole 30 Challenge.  In this capacity I will be restricting the following for 30 days (I have already scheduled one day, a friend's bachelorette party, that I MIGHT have a glass of wine):

  • No Alcohol
  • No White Starches
  • No Grains (not even ancient grains, i.e. quinoa)
  • No Legumes or beans (with the exception of sugar snap peas and green beans)
  • No Sugar (I am to avoid even artificial, for the first week I'm trying to just put a little in my coffee and then hopefully eliminating from there)
  • No Fast Food/Processed food
  • No Dairy (bye cheese, I'll miss you!)
So what exactly am I going to be eating? Meats, veggies, fruits, seeds, nuts - cavewoman style.  I'm on day two - I had kind of a rough day yesterday and wanted just a little bit of comfort, so I had ONE tortilla chip - i couldn't help it.  I've been eating egg white with veggies for breakfast the past few days, I had a chicken breast and fruit for lunch and then this great crockpot, spaghetti squash dish which had chicken, tomato sauce, coconut milk, spinach and spaghetti squash.  I topped it with a poached egg and it was pretty tasty - that's my lunch today and tonight we'll be having lettuce wrap tacos and something on the side, not sure what yet though! I've been snacking on cashews, apples and smoked salmon with cucumber (sooo yummy!) 


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