Thursday, December 20, 2012

Basil Lime Chicken Pasta

I’m always looking for something new to make, especially with chicken. I LOVE chicken but sometimes, it feels like one falls in the monotony of the same ol’ same ol’. Fried chicken, lemon buttered chicken, marinated chicken, chicken teriyaki, chicken sandwiches, chicken meatballs, chicken with dumplings, sauteed chicken…do I sound like Bubba from Forest Gump yet? So I came across this recipe on Pinterest and like most recipes, I found myself drooling. My stomach was singing (not to be mistaken for growling) with the thought of such a fantastic taste combination. Basil - so refreshing, dijon - so bold, LIME - so sour! 
Since I’m a carb-lover (but mostly avoider) - tossing all this with pasta instantly caught my attention.  The olive oil and the chunks of basil all tossed with the crunch of grilled chicken in an el dente angel hair pasta…are you salivating yet? I made no changes to the recipe except I added a little more dijon, basil and lime - those three flavors together just make my tastebuds soar and I don’t think there is such thing as too much of it! I tossed with pasta and served with a little fresh parmesan on top - enjoy! 

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