Monday, August 19, 2013

Week 4

I'll keep this short and sweet.  The gluten free/wheat free and limited dairy thing is really making a difference in how I feel.  I've had less discomfort, less headaches and definitely can tell when I've had too much of any of those three things.  One thing i did find is that I am eating more "junk food" now that I would on any given day, primarily because its "gluten free" and I know that the ingredients are mostly whole and somehow make that mean it's ok to eat it all.  I'm up again, but this is a PERFECT example of how we can't let the scale dictate our lives. I got on the scale at the gym, which I swear up and down is broken half the time.  I usually turn the scale off, turn it back on and then zero it out, that's my ritual.  Did that whole shebang and guess what? 148.8 - what?!? Its been years since I've gotten up that high and when I was, I was lifting pretty heavy.  So I step off, zero out, step back on...same thing.  I decided to go with the whole "third time's a charm" mentality and turned it off, turned it on and zeroed out - and sure enough, I was mostly at my normal weight.  You can't always trust the scale, you have to trust how you feel! 

I'm up several lbs but as mentioned before, I know that I tend to hold a LOT of water when I've had too much sodium.  This week I had bacon and was so swollen and with all of my gluten free snack...I'm going to go ahead and guess I had quite a bit of sodium in those too.  I even noticed that while I usually sweat like a disgusting man...that I wasn't sweating a ton when I worked out which lead me even more to believe that I was holding a lot of water due to slight dehydration.  Did you know one can hold up to 5lbs of water in a given day? 

So here's the deal, I didn't set a goal for this week because I will be going on a trip but I do feel great.  I wore a pair of colored jeans of mine that I haven't worn in a while and they were always just a tad snug even when I was at my lowest weight.  They were loose on my waist! Just goes to show, fit and feel over see (number).  

Goal: 134
*Watch the gluten free snacks and rice, sure, its "good" for me compared to other stuff, but I didn't eat it in excess when I wasn't gluten free, why start bother now? 


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