Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Anticipated Arrival - Now the Journey Really Begins!

I think it's so important to really have realistic expectations of one's delivery.  I hear so many moms say that they want to do it au natural - and that they want to have this big, heroic song playing as the baby makes their entrance into the world.  I hate to say it, but while that is all good and grand, and to each it's own - it's so important to realize that things might be unexpected.

I did no research on a c-section. It scared the crap out of me and I knew, in my heart of hearts (because first time pregnant women know EVERYTHING that I would not have a c-section.  Over 24 hours, 3 miles of walking/squatting/lunging, hula hooping, yoga poses and archaic maneuvers later...I was being prepped for surgery.  My little one was entering the world in the same, stubborn manner that her momma entered the world nearly 30 years ago,..with a long labor and a mom's pelvis which was too small even for a tiny baby.  All those hours and tears later (I was horrified with the idea of a c-section: how would I start running again right away? Would I be able to nurse without a problem? What about the skin to skin?!) - we welcomed Kennedy James Zuniga, 6lbs, 2 oz and 19.5 inches long into the world.  She was perfect. A full head of black hair, the tiniest pug nose and lips that could rival Kylie Jenner...without all the botox.

So now what? We had an unusually warm fall and I was looking so forward to getting out and walking my new babe and my puppy as soon as I got home.  I would start my journey back to abs ASAP. But hold on - when you have a C - Section, all that changes.  There is no lifting for at least 3 weeks, no driving for as long and no stairs for that time either.  Eventually, at 3 weeks, you'll probably be cleared to do light walking - still nothing too intense and at 6, you'll be cleared to do workouts, but to stick to your pregnancy rules of light lifting and no core work until 12 weeks.  You see, a C-section is a major, major surgery.  More than I even understood...until I experienced the pain when I wasn't on pain meds. I've included a link below - I'd advise you not to watch it if you're easily queasy or if you're terrified of a c-section, it won't put you at ease to see what is done to you. BUT, i do think it's important to know so you can prepare your body.

Literally, 6 layers are cut through, and then they pull open your abs (or cut right through them) before they can get to the baby.  Sounds comfy, right? Needless to say, your body goes through a LOT.  Yes, a natural birth is rough, but you are usually cleared within a week or two, some moms even sooner to carry on with your regular routine.  For those wanting to start their fitness journey back, this is great because there is not as high of a risk as major surgery.  Going too hard, too soon with a c-section can cause major damage that could be rendered irreparable. Check out my next post to learn about a safe and EFFECTIVE way to start that journey back without damaging what the surgery repaired.


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