Wednesday, February 13, 2013

TItle Boxing Bad @$$

I have to say, its been quite a while since I've posted. I used to be able to take some time to write leisurely here and there, but life seems to be a whirlwind lately and I can't seem to find time leisure? Or maybe its that as much as I do love writing, my leisure often includes laying on the couch and quickly passing out or playing mindless games on my new Ipad (yaaaay!) Any hoo, I have a fitness update that I'm pretty excited about.  I haven't seen a dramatic change in my weight lately - BUT I feel leaner and in better shape than I have ever been and I have to credit it to Title Boxing.  I've even gotten to the point where I'm ready to break up with my trainer (it'll be a sad day, he might cry) and add another day of boxing once a week.  The best part? I have become more efficient in burning calories boxing and am averaging just shy of 700 calories in my one hour session! It's a sad day to break up with my trainer and awkward since I will still probably be there 3 - 4 times a week in addition to my boxing buuuut, we'll both get over it. 

I've challenged myself this week to see if I can box three times, train twice, do Zumba cardio and then regular cardio each once.  I made it through two days in a row of boxing and I must say, I'm looking forward to the change.  Here's to getting lean, losing weight and kicking butt! 

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