Sunday, February 23, 2014

Loaded Baked Potato Soup - Warming up Chiberia

I think to date, Chicago has officially entered one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record in decades. So far, in this winter alone, Chicago has accumulated almost 40 inches of snow. Early last week we were released early from work because of such severe weather alerts! That can only result in one solution - some homemade soup and fresh flowers to cheer up the gloomy day. The hubby loves soup of any kind - and while chicken noodle is a crowd favorite, I always like to see if I can create a new favorite. This time around I opted for Loaded Baked Potato Soup. Who doesn't love loaded anything? It has bacon, creaminess, cheese - cheesy, carby goodness.  #Winner.  

Loaded Baked Potato Soup
4 Large Red Potatoes, skin on, diced
1 Onion, chopped
8 - 10 Strips Bacon, cooked and chopped
2 Garlic Cloves, minced
4 TBSP Butter
1/3 C All Purpose Flour
1 C Half and Half 
1 C Skim Milk
3 C Vegetable or Chicken Broth
Salt and Pepper to Taste
1/3 C Sour Cream
1 C Shredded Sharp Cheddar + Garnish
Green onions - garnish

Microwave or quick boil potatoes to cut down on cook time. 
 Saute onion, bacon (less 2 slices for garnish) and garlic in large stockpot until onions are browned and bacon is crisp. Remove and set aside.  Melt butter in stockpot on medium heat and whisk in flour, creating a roux. Add milk and half and half and whisk together, cook several minutes and allow to thicken.  Add in broth, potatoes, bacon, onion, salt and pepper. Cook on low at least 40 minutes or until potatoes are fork tender and base has thickened.  Stir in sour cream and 1 c cheese. Serve with extra bacon, cheese and green onions. 

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