Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bread-less BLAT and Cauliflower "Rice"

I'm week one into my Whole30 challenge and I think I'm doing pretty well. I'm not going to lie, I've cheated a little bit (and by cheated I mean, literally just a bite).  I do not encourage this, I truly believe that one has to be strict and stick to things - however - I'm going to justify my minor cheats in two ways 1.) I already eat really well, I'm just trying to push my limits and since I'm not a crazy snacker or craver, these little bites here and there are not going to ruin this for me, I'm still 98% dedicated and 2.) the premise of a whole 30 progam isn't necessarily just about weight loss or eliminating things from one's diet just to do it, it's to eliminate irritants from one's gut and get them back to a more balanced and detoxified state.  I know my triggers, I cannot do too much dairy, and certain times, I have to watch just how much wheat intake I have. Grains do not affect me negatively, and I also feel that one should not completely deprive themselves, because if you do - you're in for a scary awakening when the program is over.

Overall - I feel great - I already feel leaner and my clothes are fitting looser (woo hoo!).  I did not do a good job of taking measurements/pics so unfortunately, those will most likely be a week into the program versus at the very beginning.

So now, onto eating - it's pretty silly of me to share the "recipe" for my BLATs - but I guess I can at least let you in on the secret of what the "A" stands for...avocado! Also, in order to keep it "healthier" I used Boar's Head bacon which is all natural, naturally "processed" and nitrate free.  Take it another step and do turkey bacon, as long as you pan fry it, it's still delicious! I used red leafed lettuce as my base and campari tomatoes (these take me back to Italy, they're always perfectly red,  ripe, juicy and tender) and then added the avocado slices (1/2 avocado will get you plenty for two wraps).

Now, onto the good stuff. I barely missed the rice (although I did add JUST a little for texture and to make sure that my hubby was filled up enough) - but it was completely unnecessary to the deliciousness of the dish.  I'll be making this to share for a healthy potluck at work tomorrow - hopefully I win for tastiest, healthy dish!

Here's the deal - you can "rice" your cauliflower a few different ways.  Have a Ninja or a Food Processor? Good for you, you're in luck - because this is the EASIEST way to rice it. Remove medium florets from the cauliflower head, throw into food processor or ninja and just pulse until small "grains" are created.  Be careful not to over do it and make it too small. In other words, if you  have some bigger pieces hanging out, you're better off removing those and trying them on their own than trying to make the rest of it too small.  Don't have one of those lovely electronics? You aren't out of luck - you can either knife dice them into small pieces, or use your cheese grater!

Sauteed Onion Cauliflower "Rice"

2 TBSP Bacon grease (you could also add bacon and use olive oil plus the bacon fat)
1/2 medium sweet onion, diced
1/2 - 3/4 c cooked brown rice - optional
1 1/2 C "riced"cauliflower (I used a yellow cauliflower, the taste might be slightly more mild)
salt, pepper, garlic to taste

Heat bacon grease (or olive oil).  Add the onions and cook down until translucent and softened.  Add salt and pepper. Add in brown rice and allow to heat and being to crisp. If you are not adding this, just add the cauliflower.  Cook the cauliflower about 5-7 minutes, or until slightly softened with still a bit of a crunch.  Season with garlic and any additional salt and/or pepper. 

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