Friday, July 11, 2014

Plain Egg Whites and Black Coffee - Straight Up

I'll post before and after pics and measurements later,  but since I usually leave before Steve in the morning it was hard to actually get someone to take pictures. Unfortunately, they will be 4 days in.  I thought I'd share my meals and workouts this week (or at least a general idea) as well as a recipe that I really recommend for a clean eater who is too busy to make meals every day or have a huge prep day.  No food pics, sorry - I can't do everything :).

This week's workouts:

  • Sunday - Jaime Eason's LiveFit Day 4 Shoulder Workout+ high pulls + Chest Incline Press
    • A note on this Jaime Eason workout - she is ridiculous.  Steve and I did this together and it was challenging, quick, and effective.  We both were pretty wiped out and sore afterward!
    • You can access her whole program HERE - I plan on following a few of her workouts throughout my whole 30 challenge
  • Monday - Running program - 10 minute run at increasing intervals starting 6.3 and ending at 6.8. 15 minute of sprint/walk intervals changing pace every minute, increasing sprints up to 11mph. 5 minute jog at 6.3 mph, cool down
      • Leg Daaaay! Started with a pyramid: 20 squats, 30 lunges, 40 toe touches, 50 second wall sit, 100 jumping jacks, and then back up (we just did the down so we could lift too)
          • Leg curl - 25x1, 15x3
          • Squats - 15x3
          • Sumo Squats - 15x3
          • Straight Leg Deadlifts - 15x3
          • Leg Extensions - 25x1, 15x3
    • Tuesday - "Rest" Day - 2 mile walk, 1 hour of softball
    • Wednesday - Power Spin - Angel's class is INSANE.  We completely fogged up the studio halfway through. He structures it so that we do power sprint intervals and never take down the resistance.  This is certainly no ride in the park and I love it
    • Thursday - Bis and Tris + Cardio
      • TRX Trainer Bicep Curls
      • TRX Trainer Tricep Extension
      • Bicep and Tricep circuit with abs
      • Incline Terrain - 25 minutes
    • Friday - Full Rest Day - went shopping instead :)
    • Saturday - planning on doing interval sprints for 30-35 minutes plus Back and Chest followed by a massage 
    I'll keep the food basic with some general meals and snacks unless there were deviations:

    • Breakfast - as the title suggests, I ditched my splenda, my truvia, my almond/coconut everything and went full on black coffee to pair with my egg whites.  In the beginning of the week I eased into blandness and had egg whites with sauteed onion, green pepper, mushroom and tomatoes and added one packet of splenda and a splash of almond and coconut milk to my coffee
    • Snacks - smoked salmon on cucumber slices, all natural chicken sausage (sometimes added to egg whites), small apple, fruits and veggies as I had them and needed them, cashews, almonds, pistachios
    • Dinner - protein and veggies is all you realllly need to know, BUT I'm going to be sharing a recipe for Creamy Tomato Spaghetti Squash that I had for dinner one night.  I also had a breakfast skillet of sweet potatoes topped with poached egg and had a salad from Potbellys and egg white breakfast one day for lunch
    Enjoy! TBC....

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