Monday, January 7, 2013

"California" Tacos and Mexican Rice - Combining Two Families and Favorites

I had a sad epiphany the other day. I realized that my neighbors might think that I'm either a professional chef, a fat ass or a professional food taster because I am undoubtedly ALWAYS in the kitchen.  See, our block is a one circle cul-de-sac and everyone, and I mean everyone, has a dog.  Our kitchen window looks out onto the street, and since I'm far from being a hermit, I like to keep our blinds open at least until its creepily dark at night.  Conveniently, everyone is always walking their dog when I'm at the stove or in the fridge. #lovesfood? 

It really hit me when I decided to start cooking before I met up with Steve for boxing later that evening. I left the house in a whirlwind after sauteing onions and garlic, browning ground beef, frying up some rice and tomato sauce. I walked into boxing and waited while one of the instructors wrapped my wrists and knuckles.  "Mmm something smells like food," he said, nonchalantly "like onions and garlic or something".  My face flashed red with embarrassment - "Oh that's me," I replied, (was he trying at a sad attempt to pick me up? I wondered as I shot a smile towards Steve) "...I'm making california fried tacos and my husband's grandfather's Mexican rice. I'm so embarrassed!".  At least the smell of sweat would cover it up, right? Or would the aromas from my kitchen seep out from my pores as I sweat and follow me with its lingering scent? 

Maybe Pizza Hut is on to something? 

I recalled a story my mom told me.  She had been having the worst day for whatever reason and decided to pick me up from school.  I got in, hugged her and exclaimed "ohhh mom, you smell so good today," my mom smiled inside a bit, regaining all that she had lost from the day, until I finished my statement "is that pot roast?! ". I felt that for the first time, I was so embarrassed that I had walked in smelling like a kitchen. I live in mine though, so why wouldn't I?

Dinner that night was a success - the Shirahama Family California Styled Tacos and the Zuniga Family Mexican Rice.  Unfortunately, both of these recipes are stuck in the "classified" vault of family secrets. But what I CAN tell you is this - make your ground beef and season it however you'd like - ditch the store bought "taco bell" style taco shells and stuff a corn tortilla with your ground beef instead and fry it up.  You will NOT be disappointed.  They'll go like hot cakes and the taste of the beef fried up in the shell makes such a pleasant change in pace. 

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