Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Get Fit or Die Tryin' Part II

So today starts the challenge - I'm holding myself accountable and have my numbers rearing and ready to go. To start this, I want to make sure everyone understands what weight really looks like.  Marie Claire published a story recently about the average weight for women in Australia with photos.  It's so interesting to see how weight looks on different people even if they are remotely the same height. This is something that I continually keep in the back of my mind.  At one point in my life, I weighed 117 lbs - but I consider myself somewhat skinny-fat at that point.  While I wasn't "fat" by any means, all that weight was just essential fat and bone density, I had virtually no muscle bulk - sure, there was muscle, but it was minimal and I can honestly say that I can wear much of the same clothes then, as I do now at 134lbs.


You can read the entire article HERE and I highly recommend you do.  The first step and perhaps the most important one to weight loss/healthy living/fitness is having a realistic body image and an understanding of where you fall in terms of fitness and health.  Just because you weight 154 lbs doesn't necessarily mean you're "fat" - look at the model on the right.  Yes, she's tall (6'1") - however she clearly has lean muscle as well. Its so important to understand that piece...lean muscle.  I would rather look like I weight 120lbs because I have lean, toned limbs...that be 120lbs and just look like I haven't eaten in days.

So - this weeks challenge.  I am still trying to uncover what I eat in the states that I didn't eat in Europe that causes me to hold weight.  Last week I watched my animal protein intake and I was able to lose a lb and maintain - I was back down to 133.8 but my most recent weigh in was 134. I'll list my stats below.  This week I am going to continue that and also watch my dairy intake - but not eliminate it.  The goal is to lose 1 lb/ week and tone up and lean out. I am going to continue watching how much protein I get from animal sources, eat a bigger breakfast than I'm used to and watch how much dairy I am intaking. We'll see if I see any changes! 

18% body fat
134 lbs
 GOAL - more room in my jeans, lean out, lose - 133

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