Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Loaded Baked Potato Salad

Let me first start by saying..."mmmmmm!". We went to a BBQ for my husband's side of the family, and the challenge is always, "What do I make that I don't have to count on a stove for, will keep, will feed a large crowd and PLEASE picky eaters?". I think, after this weekend, that I have found my solution - Loaded Baked Potato Salad.  It's a surprising change from the norm and packed with flavor, and perhaps the best actually gets better the longer it soaks.  I always find that I love potato salad when its freshly made, but can pass on it when its the next day, with this particular dish, the flavors soak in and really deliver a punch with leftovers.

The recipe seems labor intensive, but I think some of the steps can be altered or cut out and the taste will still be delightfully delicious. I've added notations to which steps I think, based on other, similar recipes, can me altered.  I also doubled the recipe when I made it because the Zuniga family is a BIG crowd - and even with 4 lbs of potatoes, there was only a small container leftover!

I wish I would've taken more pictures of the "process" because I know everyone loves seeing food in the making. Buuut unfortunately, the night before I had a little too much fun which meant I was scrambling just to get the dish done on time, let alone propping up potatoes for a picture. Ain't nobody got time for that!

I think the recipe is great just how it is, but I did add in a few of my own ingredients and have to say, I don't think I'd try it any other way.

Loaded Baked Potato Salad
Adapted from Foodnetwork

Ingredients (for one batch, I doubled)
2 lbs red potatoes, skin on, washed
1 1/4 c sour cream
3/4 c mayonnaise
1/2 c white vinegar
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic
1/2 lb bacon, cooked and chopped
1 small vadalia onion, diced
1 1/2 c finely shredded cheddar cheese
4 green onions thinly sliced


In large pot, boil potatoes with 1/4 teaspoon of salt until just fork tender, remove and allow to cool. Meanwhile, crisp bacon, remove from heat, drain and chop leaving 1 tbsp of bacon grease in the pan.  Saute vadalia onions in bacon grease until caramelized  Rough chop the potatoes and fry with onions until crisped, add to large bowl and top with 1/3 of the cheese, allow to melt.  In medium bowl, combine sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar, salt, pepper and garlic.  Slowly add to potatoes and gently fold in until well combined.  Add in 3/4 of the bacon, 3/4 of the green onions and another 1/3 of the cheese.  Refrigerate for up to an hour, top with remaining bacon, cheese and green onions before serving. 

A few changes - I have also seen some recipes in which the potatoes are baked in the oven with the skin on. This would be a great alternative to frying them as it would take less active time and be less fattening.  It was too hot in our house to do that when I made this originally, but I will certainly try it next time.  The vadalia onions were an addition I made, so they can easily be omitted although I thought they gave a great taste in combination with the white vinegar.  Bring it to your next gathering - you won't regret it! 

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