Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Challenge - Get Fit or Die Trying

I'm a healthy eater (don't let my blog recipes fool you).  I understand protein and carbs, and portion control. I understand what it takes to lose a pound, what needs to be done to get fit. BUT I recently came to realize that even though I eat a substantial amount of food, I actually have not been eating ENOUGH to actually lose weight or fat and sculpt lean muscles.  Here's the deal - one can actually be in "starvation" mode even if they don't seem to be starving and are actually eating.  Once one is in that mode, it is nearly impossible for them to lose weight because any change in their caloric intake sends the body frantically storing any fat it can find thinking it will never see it again.

I did some research and worked with a few healthcare professionals to learn that my basal metabolic rate is between 1900 and 2200 calories which means that if I just sat on the couch and did absolutely nothing, it would take that many calories just for my body to function.  Imagine that. Nineteen hundred calories.  I consume close to 1600 - but then I burn anywhere from 500-700+ when I work out.  My body was starving.

Interestingly enough, I went to Italy, didn't work out for two weeks and ate nothing but pizza, pasta, wine and beer and shockingly - lost almost four pounds! My theory was proven correctly - I needed more than what I was taking in in order to lose.

I had set out the challenge to myself before we left for vacation that I would be on a fit find for myself.  Now I know people who know me are thinking I'm crazy BUT - I want to be my best me. My leanest, meanest, fittest me. After all, these are the prime years - I should be in the best shape of my life with the most ability and that's exactly what I am going after.

So here's the challenge, in order to keep myself accountable for getting back to "wedding weight" but better (leaner, fitter, stronger) and to lower my body fat percentage, I would track my progress here.  I have to get some updates on my numbers as far as body fat percentage, so this will be an estimate based on where I was the last time I was tested.

I always talk about how much I eat so here's part of the challenge as well - to eat the 1900 calories I need a day and continue a great variety of foods. I want to push myself physically versus just the food piece of this. I've also become increasingly interested, post Italy, in what I eat here in the states that makes me keep weight.  Is it simply the muscle mass I lost in my arms and legs from not working out in Italy? Or is it something deeper.  Is it the preservatives in our foods? The sodium that is found in everything we eat, even if it is healthy? Do I get too much protein? I'm going to work to find out what is best for my body and my healthy! 

In Health, 

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