Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Grain Free Taco Pie

Steve and I were dabbling with the Paleo diet for quite sometime.  I've been doing mostly the Paleo thing for quite sometime, but this time around, I went full on.  I swapped all my flour for almond and coconut flours.  I looked up only paleo recipes - I removed grains from our diet. I cooked roasts for us to "snack on" (which is crazy). We found some great recipes along the way but this one was by far my favorite.  

I'll admit - I didn't use Paleo salsa and Steve had a little cheese on his - but for the most part, it was Paleo.  Because of our "cheating" I titled this Grain Free instead of full on Paleo - there's no false advertisements here.  

This is the definition of comfort food, especially when you're watching your grain intake.  Between the two of us with dinner and Steve taking leftovers the next day for lunch, we polished off a whole 9" pie dish of this delicious meal. 

Picture courtesy of http://www.thecavegirldish.com/2012/10/skillet-taco-pie.html
Not a picture friendly dish for an amateur food photog like myself..
1 1/2 C peppers, sliced (I used the mini-peppers which had a combo of red, yellow and orange)
1 Medium Onion, chopped
1/4 C Salsa (I used the Frontera Roasted Tomato)
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp chili powder, more for extra spice
1 clove garlic, crushed
salt to taste
1 - 1 1/2 lbs ground beef
1/2 c shredded sharp cheddar cheese (optional)
Taco toppings - avocado, tomato, onion, salsa etc. 

1/2 c coconut flour
1 c almond flour
2 eggs, whisked
1 TBSP coconut oil

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Saute onions and peppers until lightly browned.  Add ground beef and brown. Add cumin, chili powder, garlic and salt.  Allow ingredients to cook several minutes.  Add in salsa and cheese and continue to simmer for 5 minutes.  In medium bowl, combine coconut flour, almond flour, whisked eggs and coconut oil to form a dough.  Grease a 9 inch pie pan, add dough and press into bottom and around sides. Cook 8-10 minutes unfilled. Remove from oven and add taco filling.  Return to oven and cook for 20 minutes or until crust is browned. 

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