Friday, January 3, 2014

My Fitness Challenge Conclusion

While I continue to move through my fitness challenge, the initial phase has completed.  I've learned a lot throughout this period and while I did not lose any weight, I have successfully lost some inches and body fat - which was the ultimate goal.

- I've learned that I am somewhat lactose intolerant, as many people are.  Steve used you always tease that he never knew a "gas pill" existed until he met me (so sexy, right?) - but now they barely exist in my life! I've learned that too much dairy causes all of the discomfort that used to constantly be my life.
-  I've learned that hormonal headaches are only heightened when I have too much wheat.  There is a huge misconception between having a gluten intolerance, having a wheat intolerance and having a gluten allergy or having cylliac's.  One can have a wheat intolerance and not need to be fully gluten free and gluten free doesn't always mean wheat free.
-I've learned to chose wisely what I eat, and if I decide to go against my knowledge, to be prepared for the consequences.  Let's be serious, sure, I try to avoid my wheat as much as possible, but every once in a while, you just want TOAST with your eggs, and not the dense, gluten free crap.  Sometimes I just want thick, doughy pizza - sure, there's gluten free but it's not always the same.
-I've learned that my body is nearly at a comfortable weight when given my body fat to weight ratio.  Sure, I'm up several pounds from what I consider my "ideal weight" aka - wedding weight, but my muscle composition is far greater than it was then.  My legs are more muscular, I have a booty, my abs are not just bone around fat. I will continue to see how far I can push myself to become optimal in terms of fitness, but my clothes fit, I feel good - I have learned that weighing in only once every few weeks, instead of once every day, is what does a body good.
-I've learned that there are great gluten free snacks and that pasta can be easily replaced with vegetables
-I've learned to TRY NEW THINGS! Kale salad has become one of my staples, as has zucchini noodles, who needs pasta anyways?
-I've learned that it takes 21 days to create a habit, if you can't take 21 days to truly dedicate yourself to creating change, don't even bother
-Not every workout will create the same results for every person based on what their goals are.  Sure, one will see results, but some body types just need different workouts than others to achieve their goals.  I love crossfit, I use the principles as much as possible and I LOVE the strong is the new skinny mantra, BUT, my vision of "strong is the new skinny" cannot be achieved just by lifting heavy weights - I need running, I need high reps.
-I can eat A LOT.  This is perhaps the one thing that has really hit me hard.  It was determined that on the days that I work out, I typically need to consume close to 2500 calories.  Anything below that will cause me to be in a state of inflammation and ultimately, starvation.  It takes 1700 calories for me to just lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling. Add in digestion, daily activity and approximately 500 calories burnt working out and we're looking at a ton of calories.  Ever wonder why you workout hard and deplete calories and can't lose weight? You're me - your body is starving even though it doesnt look or seem that way, and any extra calories it holds like a mama monkey holding her baby. I have to EAT, and I have to make sure I'm eating the right things at the right time.
-It's about a lifestyle and about continual change and acceptance.  Having someone who supports the notion of health and wants to also live that lifestyle makes a world of change.
-What worked once won't necessarily work again in the exact same fashion.  Our bodies are constantly changing as are our hormones and our metabolisms.
-It's ok to indulge every once in a while, it won't kill you - but remember to be 100% dedicated, 90% off the time.  There's room for the occasional pizza and beer - but just be good the rest of the time. 
-It's way harder to lose 7lbs than it is to lose 20lbs - especially when you're fit. 

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