Monday, March 11, 2013

Remembering Valentines

Ok so I'm a bit late on this. It's been a busy few weeks - travel, flu, life. Sigh - travel again next week. This means few opportunities to cook the way I like. Needless to say I do have a few recipes that I'm late to post but getting this post in was really important to me.

My family is amazing and I'm so blessed everyday that I was raised to them and that they have passed so many great memories and traditions on to me. It's interesting because as a teen I couldn't wait to get as far away as I could (and believe you me, I was very vocal about that haha). As one gets older and gets married or moves out, I think, at least for me it became so obvious how lucky I was to have such great mentorship and so much guidance and love, independence.

I was preparing for Valentines day, the first Steve and I were to have as husband and wife and was overwhelmed with such fond memories of how special my mom would always make all of us kids feel on Valentines Day, even into our teens. As kids she'd always make us a special dinner complete with cookies or cupcakes that she'd often display in a glass cake display topped with a sign "for my valentines". As a teen, my mom would always have a little party for my girlfriends and me complete with virgin daqaris and all the best snacks.

I can only hope that one day my kids will be reminiscing about me on a silly Hallmark holiday, but until then, thanks mom for always making us so lucky!

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