Saturday, March 16, 2013

Becoming Katniss - Destroying Reset

Usana reset day 4 - I know I can do this. I'm energized, I'm not starving and I'm feeling motivated by the weight loss. Today I had to blow it a bit, after my leadership meeting we were asked to go to lunch to bring in new leadership and say good bye to the old. I decided the best way to do this without a.) being that weirdo that is not eating and has no valid reason to not be or b.) "that" girl was to order a salmon Caesar salad with no dressing, no Parmesan and no croutons - it's super gourmet and also known as romaine lettuce and a piece if salmon. People were definitely looking and judging I'm sure #dontcare. I'll be honest, I indulged a bit on a few rings of calamari and I crumb of cornbread BUT, I know nutrition enough to know that if I skipped a shake and skipped a bar, calorie wise I'd be just fine. I had plenty of energy for the gym and didn't need to supplement additional veggies for dinner. I was up half a lb from the day before which was to be expected given the lunch "splurge".

Final Day!

Friday was a breeze. I was motivated to keep this going a f decided that since I would have to screw up a bit again tonight that I would continue this halfway through this weekend. I made it through the day, the hunger had subsided and I was full after one small piece of pizza (I never in my life thought that would be possible). I weighed in 4.5 lbs lighter than my pre workout weight Saturday and 3 lbs less than my post workout weight. I haven't been able to get down this low in a long time and seeing the difference really is pushing me to want to keep it up!

Conclusion - while tough I thought the reset delivered exactly what it said it would. I can also day that I chested a little and still saw significant results. I went to training today and despite the fact that I didn't fully sustain Friday (we had a movie night and I had a few snacks and a piece if pizza) - I still weighed in at the light weight I saw Friday before the "splurge" which leads me to believe that the weight loss was not strictly water weight. The recommendation is to continue in the diet by supplementing one to two meals still with the shakes. I have two left from my skips that I will be having for my next two meals this weekend to try and continue the. Hn and will supplement with a low carb, low calorie protein shake for at least one meal over tht next few weeks. I found that calorie wise, the Usana shakes are almost too high for me to supplement twice a day and continue to eat dinner. I definitely recommend this product and will not likely do it again before and after my trio to Italy!

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