Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Hunger Games - Starring...Me

I'll be honest - despite my posts full of cream and cheese and sinful goodness of all kinds - I'm a relatively good eater.  I stick mostly to lean proteins for breakfast, salads and/or lean proteins for lunch and mostly protein and veggies and an occasional splurge on starch for dinner.  I work out hard - I box 2-3 days a week, do agility training with a trainer twice a week and workout on my own to round off 5-6 days total in the gym.  But, I, like all people fall off the wagon from time to time.  Rewind about 10 months - where was I 10 months ago? Oh yeah, eating SUPER healthy, barely indulging in any beer or liquor and OH - planning my wedding. Is it the wedding stress that kept my weight so low? Perhaps the fear that I'll pick up my dress from alterations and be busting from the seams? Either way, I'm up 4 lbs post wedding. GASP - I know, tragic right? I know how silly it is to obsess over several measly lbs but I don't want to be that woman who someone looks at her photos from her 1st anniversary, and then looks at her wedding photos and says, "holy chita, that's the same girl?".

Ok fine, I'm chalking most of it up to muscle (I also didn't want to look like Schwarzenager on my wedding day, so I stuck to very minimum muscle bulking). However, a numbers a number and while I know better than to be fixated on it, I have a motivation station at work and on that motivation station I have a goal weight and you better believe I'm going to get there.  I decided to go ahead and do a cleanse to reset my glycemic index and felt that I should share a real life, up to date account of my experience.

Usana has become one of the world's leading manufacturers of health supplements and products. I'm a skeptic of anything that is an unnatural form of weight loss so I'm shocked at myself for a.) doing this and b.) sharing my experience.  The premise is that by following this regimented "reset" for five days, that one will lose weight and also curb their cravings for carbs and sweets.  Several of my co-workers tried it with success, I figured I'd give it a try since I work hard and have struggled to lose the last several lbs.

Day 1

The shakes are actually pretty tasty.  When the girls at work did them and boasted how much they tasted like a milk shake, I wasn't sure.  I had had my share of protein shakes and even good ones aren't that great. But they were right, the shakes are thick and have a great, non-grainy flavor to them.  They come in french vanilla, dutch chocolate and strawberry.  I had my strawberry shake, went down easy, but quickly as well.  I drink left me with that empty feeling, like I was missing out on my meals.  The kit also includes granola bars that are to be eaten as snacks twice a day.  Come 9am, i started on my first "snack".  Devoured in no time.  By 4pm I had had my two shakes and two snacks for the day and was famished.  I didn't know how I would make it through the day.  I found myself lacking energy - I couldn't even make it through without a nap - and then had no energy to go to the gym (which is rare, I will go to the gym sick even).  I made my dinner shake with a banana (as you are allowed on serving each of fruits and veggies). The shake was delicious, but still not satisfying enough.  Interestingly, I added the necessary serving of fruits and veggies and found that spaghetti squash satisfied my need to chew. I was hungry but not famished, it was more the actual act of eating I think I missed.

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