Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Get Fit or Die Tryin' - The First Week

So the first week of this of course happened to be the hardest week I've been faced with in a while in terms of ability to workout and this and that.  Meatless Monday ended up being pushed to Tuesday as a result of an impromptu, but awesome, fundraising even where  they served non-stop alcohol and filet mignon for dinner - all capped off with warm,brownie al a mode - shoot.  Luckily for me, I ate well during the day and avoided the potatoes that came with the dinner and portioned out my steak (although it was perfectly pink and I felt like a sinner not just finishing it).  I realized that it took me 27 years...but that I've become obsessed with cereal thanks to my husband.  This new found "routine" of our needs to stop - perhaps this is where I'm holding the extra weight?  I know its terrible - but I'll have a bowl of cereal at 10:30pm - not helping.


I personally am anti-selfie. I think theyre funny and sometimes unrealistic - and lets be serious, I never spend enough time to look good enough to want to take a picture of myself.  My makeup is usually smeared off from the excessive sweating I did during my workout - my hair, is it dirty? - messy? - sweaty? Who even knows - but its not as pretty as it was when I left in the morning.  BUT for these purposes, I had to break my banned barrier of selfies and post because I couldn't wait for someone to come home.  I wanted people to have a realistic expectation of what weight looks like.

Anyways, I haven't weighed in yet but I feel good so that's all that matters.  Food wise I'm starting to contemplate Paleo again.  I did it pretty thoroughly before my wedding - but I love beer, and cheese makes everything better - and bread, omg don't get me started on bread.  I mostly avoid those foods - but last week I started to wean myself off of too much meat (which will not work if I go paleo) and started to wean  myself off dairy (do I REALLY need that cheese?) - so I'm mostly there as far as paleo goes.

The plan this week - watch the dairy, watch the late night eating, get back to the basics with breakfast and watch the protein from animal fat sources.  Today is going to be the exception because it's meatless monday and there aren't many filling meals that are tasty to serve to Steve that either are meatless and cheeseless or meatless and carbless - I'm doing refried black bean and potato enchiladas for dinner.  I'm going to "fill" myself up with some roasted peppers and avocado before dinner - recipe to follow (if it's good).

Breakfast Basics

8 oz Almond Milk with small banana (IMMEDIATELY upon waking) - did you know that the sooner you feed your metabolism, the sooner it starts working for you? Why wait, get it moving when you're moving to get the most out of it

Hardboiled eggs and egg whites - 9am

Lunch Limits (I'm going to try and stick with one or a few of these every day)

Veggie Burger
Turkey Burger
Spring Mix with Tomatoes and balsamic
Garden Salad

GOAL: 1900 calories - post workout
No late night cereal killing!

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