Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Veggie Chili

I'm so sad to be posting this because this is the SECOND time I've written it and I can tell you with nearly 100% certainty that the first was probably better.  I was super on top of it, I made sure that I posted as soon as I finished dinner on Monday, pictures and all - and then my Ipad failed me and the app needed updated. Womp, womp. 

So here I sit, now in my less creative environment, trying to recollect the happenings of the day and the fun little banter about my veggie chili.  Here goes nothing.  Meatless Monday obviously came and went and our meatless option this week was veggie chili.  The concept was so void to my husband - how in the world could we have chili without meat? My mom hosted a chili cook off last fall (awesome idea, #stealingit) and I opted to make the veggie chili for the girlfriends of my brothers' (mind you I say girlfriendsssss and brotherssss because my brothers all have dated vegetarians at least once in their lifetimes, odd connection huh?). Anyways, I felt that I was more vegetarianly inclined than my mom (sorry mom, I just eat more vegetarian/have had more vegg-head friends). The chili was a hit, several family members agreed that they would almost prefer this to normal chili - done and done.  

My mom and I went to the farmers market and picked up some great fresh veggies - I picked up three varieties of zucchini, one of which i found out later is actually a marrow which is more part of the gord family like cucumbers.  The golden zucchini i picked up had a milder flavor than that of a normal zucchini and I found the marrow to be a little sweeter than the normal variety. I wanted to incorporate all three in the chili but ended up going with the two "new" zucchini instead of the same ol', same ol'. 

I decided now that the weather is sadly starting to cool off a bit, and I am currently wheat and gluten free that chili would be a perfect alternative for Meatless Monday this week.  Perhaps the best part about this chili is its not your run of the mill vegetarian chili for those who used to eat meat and miss the texture/flavor/feeling of meat in a chili dish, its great for full on veggie lovers (like myself), veggie haters (like my hubby) and straight up vegetarians. Its chocked full of all kinds of vegetables and beans - and just the right amount of kick.  I got the "mmmmmMMMMmmm" from Steve which is ALWAYS a good sign and he even agreed to take leftovers #winning! I did try and trick him thinking that the small amount of mushrooms I added would be enough to satisfy me, but so minisqul that he would never notice.  I kid you not, in his first scoop he calmly asked if there were mushrooms in the chili.  I couldn't lie to him, but I did ask how he found them so fast and he replied "I'm always looking for mushrooms".  He proceeded to pick out any small piece he found and add to my bowl, but I"m ok with that. 

Full-o-Veggie Chili 

1 Cup each of the following, diced: red pepper, green pepper, golden zucchini, marrow (zucchini like gord, light green and white in color), carrots
1/2 Cup Baby Bella Mushrooms, chopped
1 medium candy sweet onion, chopped
1/2 TBSP Garlic 
1 TSP Cumin
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Can Diced, Fire Roasted Tomatoes
1 Can Bush's Chili Starter in Texas Medium
1/2 Can Bush's Chili Beans in Sauce (medium)
1/2 Can Black Beans
1 small Can tomato sauce

In large stockpot or dutch oven, heat olive oil. Add onions and cook until softened.  Add remaining vegetables in the following order (some will need to cook down longer than others, it is advisable to not add them all together): carrots, red and green peppers, golden zucchini, marrow, mushrooms.  Allow all to cook down until soft, add garlic, cumin and salt and pepper.  Add lid and allow to simmer for several minutes.  Add in the tomatoes, stir and allow to cook for 3 minutes.  Add in each of the beans - allow to simmer and for sauce to thicken, keeping the lid on.  Add tomato sauce, cook for another 10 minutes.  Serve with macaroni noodles, cheese, sour cream and chives. 

 I think this would be fantastic with a little Tabasco sauce or jalapenos if you like the heat.  I can't handle the heat so I opt not to use it, but I know Steve would've enjoyed it that much better. I think I'll find something to do with the leftovers, so keep an eye out for another post! Possibly some sweet potato nachos with veggie chili? The world is my canvas, I'm starting a food fight :) 

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