Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Two Weeks In - What Changes?

So I'm two weeks into my diet and fitness routine with a goal of firming up, leaning out and getting back to wedding weight. I had to adjust my goal this week because I'm actually up 2 lbs from when I started.  This is interesting to me and maybe a little frustrating - but my pants all fit great, I feel great and I do feel slimmer, believe it or not.  Two week, two lbs - now I just need to get back and figure it all out.  I can say that I've upped my working out quite a bit and am sore almost every day.  When one lifts weights, they cause tiny tears in the muscle which then causes fluid retention to repair those muscles.  This weight gain could simply be a result of that and a result of my body trying to adjust to this new routine and diet.  

I have been mostly dairy and carb free, although I will admit that for some reason I felt like this weekend was a "hall pass" and I didn't exactly eat right, which could also contribute to the gain (although it takes 3500 extra calories to gain weight and even if you eat terribly, if you're at your normal caloric intake, one shouldn't see a dramatic jump).   I know for a fact that I didn't consume that many extra calories, so I will look a other factors.  The water retention is HUGE.  I boxed on Saturday and sweated an insane amount, I don't think I properly rehydrated after that causing some water retention.  In addition, I know that I consumed quite a bit more sodium than usual - again, water retention.  The sodium piece is so interesting to me.  My trainer and I were trying to determine what I had in the states that I didn't have when I was in Italy - I think I figured it out but its SO hard to avoid here - frozen foods packed with sodium. While I usually cook fresh meat and veggies, at work I often get a bunless turkey burger or veggie burger for lunch.  Even though my thinking is correct, in that these are healthy, low fat, (processed) carb free - ONE veggie burger can have up to 700mg of sodium! This is crazy to think in that if one is watching their sodium levels, they should have 1000-1500 mg - one patty is already bringing you to almost half the sodium intake for a day! 

So now what? I'm up two lbs BUT the size 2 jeans I bought the other day are lose - awesome, still winning.

Remember - its not always about the number on the scale, its about how you look, how you feel and how your clothes fit! 

I also have become increasingly interested in wheat/gluten allergies.  Oddly enough, I had always suspected that I had a bit of an intolerance as my joint would swell up after drinking too much beer, and my sneezing and stuffiness from seasonal allergies would increase.  I get somewhat chronic headaches and I hadn't had much wheat/gluten and within 30 minutes of having it for the first time, I had a severe migraine.  Interesting - so to be healthier and more aware, and really determine if this is in my head - I am working to cut out wheat/gluten for the next 30 days. This is going to be QUITE a challenge - but I think overall, it will be worth it and it gets me closer to that Paleo lifestyle I'm seeking. 


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