Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week Three - Wheat Free!

I did it! I got to my re-adjusted goal weight and I feel GREAT.  I cut out wheat and gluten as I have suspected for quite some time that I have an intolerance and finally decided that if I was really going to go full steam ahead in getting to a better stage of me...that I would have to investigate and changes the things that have held me up.  

Gluten free these days seems so easy compared to what I'm sure it was for folks with intolerances decades ago.  Anything one could want to eat has a gluten free option, which is awesome! It definitely does get expensive, and I am already missing pizza and the occasional sandwich, but I am feeling less bloated and uncomfortable and have had less headaches so far.  My energy level is down a bit but that might be as a result of my change in eating habits, my lack of vitamins (I know, I'm going to the store this weekend, shame on me) and my increased workout load.  I had some chips the other day when I went out that were actually flour tortilla chips instead of corn and I nearly IMMEDIATELY noticed my body reacting.  Its so crazy how quickly one's body can respond when given something it would rather not have.  

I managed to lose almost 2 lbs in one week which is way more than I expected.  Since I had gained weight in my first few weeks, I readjusted my goals not only to show less of a loss every week (lets be serious, I'm at a very healthy range, I just want to be better and at my size, these things take time!) and I also adjusted them to the weight I had gained.  

Oddly, I've been watching my dairy intake as well and have noticed how I feel now when I do have dairy in large quantities.  Looking at some lactose intolerance as well.  Its interesting because there have been so many studies that talk about all the processed garbage we put in our bodies and how humans are the only animals that drink another animals milk - and I'm seeing how that affects one's digestion. I had a revelation - I feed my dog grain free, limited ingredient food that I get from a specialty store - why in the world do I allow my husband and I to put so many unnecessary things in our body day in and day out...if we want to extend our dog's life by doing it?

The new "Strong is the New Skinny" campaign is really hitting me hard these days.  I want to be fit and lean, but I definitely want to be strong and toned and not look like I need a cheeseburger (being wheat and gluten free, I'm actually DYING for one right now, but i want one done right, not with just a lettuce bun). My goal this week is, as usual, to continue to get stronger and leaner, but also to lose another 1/2 lb (seems silly right? Ultimately I'm working towards an over all goal little by little and setting realistic expectations). 

GOAL: 134.5
ACTUAL: 134.6 
-1.6 lbs from previous week
Continue on the path to cleansing, gluten, wheat and dairy (mostly) free! 

Favorite substitutes: Dark Chocolate Almond Milk, Chia seeds, Rice Chips (such a charming swap for tortilla chips and crackers!), Sesmark Sesame Rice Thins 

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