Friday, September 6, 2013

Health and Fitness Update

Quick update - we started a Health and Fitness Challenge at work that I'm really excited about.  It will have us earning points for things such as: working out, parking further, partaking in the bi-weekly lunch walks, and losing weight.  What's most exciting to me is that unlike other fitness challenges, this puts people into healthy habits and healthy lifestyles and its not just about being scale watchers.  For me - it's going to be awesome because I'll get that accountability I am looking for, especially since I am such a competitor - I refuse to let myself lose.

I've been at a plateau in my weight loss challenge, but as usual, I'm ok with that.  I'd rather be healthy and fit and maintain where I'm at, all the while getting stronger every day.  I'm breaking-up with my trainer temporarily.  It's going to be rough on him, but I think he'll be ok.  For the next several weeks, I think I'm going to just focus on my cardio and Tabata intervals to really lean out.  I'll minimize my training to only Saturday's to force me into the gym early - and eliminate my Wednesday's to be able to add another cardio day.  I always seem to be sore, so I feel like my training is almost counterproductive because I can't barrel through as easily as when I take a few days off.  My ultimate goal is to be able to engage in exercise almost daily, but when I train too hard - I just can't get in as much as I want.  Therefore - breakup time - sorry Trainer Mike.

My pants are fitting looser and I can tell that my body shape has changed as I work different muscles.  I'm looking forward to setting a clear goal and working through this work program - there's never a challenge I want to lose!

-Lose .5-1 lb this week (I'm at my "muscle high" of 136, which i usually fluctuate between that and 134 depending on soreness)
-Focus on the running
-Go on a break from trainer  Mike

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