Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Brown Rice Arancini with Parmesan Squash Noodles

It's that time again, Meatless Monday. Today I'm taking ya'll to Italy for a bit of a twist on the classic Sicilian favorite - Arancini.  We typically don't do white rice in the Zuniga household.  So much that I usually  have to go out and buy some to make Papa's Rice (the best Mexican rice around!).

If there was one type of person I think I'd want to hire to work just for me - it would be a photographer.  I would want someone to hover around me as I cook, taking action shots and getting great plating of the food I make - photography is not my strong suite at all.  I'll admit that I'm horrible at providing a lot of pictures of the food I cook.  I just don't have the time to prop the ingredients, wash my hands in between steps and then take pictures.  C'mon people, what do you want from me? I work 9 hours a day, spend at least an hour at the gym, run errands - and then cook.  Anyone want to be my professional photographer? How great would that be though? To have someone constantly photojournal your life? Why can't we all just be celebrities and get all of our greatest moments on camera? I guess if that were the case...I wouldn't be cooking so its a moot point from here.

Anyways - since I love my zucchini noodles and wanted to try out different spices and sauces, I decided to make those as a side.  It seemed kind of wrong to do carb on carb on carb by serving real spaghetti with breaded rice - I mean, you can never go wrong with all those carbs but let's be honest, does anyone really need all that?

This time around I used yellow squash which has a milder taste and a softer texture.  I ended up sauteing the zucchini and seasoning with basil, italian seasoning, garlic, salt and pepper and then tossing with fresh ground parmesan once cooked.  I would recommend waiting to add the salt until it is no longer cooking as the salt will release some of the water from the vegetables!

Brown Rice Arancini

4 Cups Short Grained Brown Rice, cooked and cooled (I used brown Basmati rice which worked well, but something stickier would be better!)
3-4 Extra Large Eggs*
1 tsp each of salt and pepper
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
1/2 c fresh chopped parsley
1/4 c fresh grated parmesan (grated, not shredded)
1/3 c shredded mozzerella
fresh mozzerella - cut into half inch cubes
1 1/2 c flour
1 1/2 c Italian seasoned breadcrumbs
Olive Oil for frying

Place cooled, brown rice, one egg (may need to add another, first the white, then the yolk if consistency isn't sticky enough), salt, pepper, oregano, basil, parsley, parmesan and mozzerella in blender.  Blend until rice is approximately half the size and a sticky mixture has formed (2 minutes).  If you cannot roll the rice without it falling apart, here's where you add the egg white, and if necessary, the yolk.  

I recommend two things in this next step - don't do it right after you have swept/washed your floors because it can get messy, and wet your hands from time to time to aid in forming the rice balls. Place about a teaspoon of mixture in your hand and add a cube of cheese in the middle.  Add more rice to cover on top and form a ball (a little larger than a golf ball)- place on cookie sheet with waxed paper until remaining mixture is formed.  Refrigerate 30 minutes to allow to set. 

Beat remaining eggs in one bowl, and put flour in a  bowl and breadcrumbs in a bowl.  Season breadcrumbs with freshly grated parmesan.  Preheat oven to 425 degrees and heat oil in fry pan (you want enough that it will cover half the rice balls.  Dredge the rice balls in flour, followed by egg, followed by breadcrumb mixtures. Brown on each side in fry pan, transfer to cookie sheet to finish cooking in the oven.  

Cook in oven for 7-10 minutes or until browned and warmed through - serve over your favorite red sauce. 

*Depending on how large your eggs are, you may need more or less. As noted in the instructions for the "dough" - if you have smaller eggs, you might need to add another.  

**Typical arancini is made with risotto and has a creamy, soft center and a light crisp on the outside.  This is a little harder to achieve with brown rice so I have added some extra cheese in the mixture.  Using a softer grained brown rice, or a brown sticky rice will help you achieve that texture more! 

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