Monday, September 16, 2013

Lifestyle Change

I've been trying a few different things lately to really get on board with being healthy, lean and fit.  It's so crazy but I've not really lost any weight, but I'm ok with that.  I finally got Steve on board to looking at a different way of living.  We're going to try and tackle a mostly Paleo lifestyle, much like I did when I was in wedding mode - this time I'm really trying with it and bought arrowroot power, almond flour, fresh unsweetened coconut, raw honey etc.  I even bought some dates to make some paleo protein bars sometime this week (inspired by the ones I bought from my co-worker's friend).  I will be the first to say that this type of eating would be a complete lifestyle change, and I don't know that Steve and I can be dedicated enough to never eat processed foods or never have complex carbs - but we're going to try as much as possible and really make sure that we're always working towards bettering ourselves for our futures.  DISCLAIMER: for those of you who DO eat Paleo religiously, please note that I am not calling myself a cavewoman and eating this 100% perfectly - we will also indulge in cheat meals and I will continue to post yummy, fattening, non-paleo recipes because that's who I am! But, we are aiming to be paleo at least 80% of the time - maybe more if all goes well.  

Here is a sample of some recipes you can expect to see this upcoming week: 

-Falafel Burgers with Tzatiki Sauce and Side Salad (I know this is not very paleo BUT its Meatless Monday and it's SO  hard to match this world)
- Paleo Chicken Piccata with Zucchini Noodles and Spinach
-Raw Coconut Chicken with Mashed Parsnips and Broccoli
-Beef and Broccoli with Quinoa (The side isn't fully paleo BUT, you just need something with that meal)
-Cauliflower Hamburger Helper (cheese isn't paleo but this will be a low-carb option)

Today was the first weigh in of Work's Fitness Challenge - I'm down one lb - nothing to whoo haa over.  I can't break up with Trainer Mike - I'm going to have to take the wimp way out and do it over text - something's gotta change! 

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