Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Border Grill at Home - Plantain Empanadas

Plantain Empanadas had our taste buds DANCING this weekend.  My hubby and I had had them for the first time in Vegas at a restaurant called Border Grill. It was one of those last minute, spur of the moment, impulse orders by me (of course). If I had let Steve see what I was ordering, due to the “unusual” nature of them, I know it would have been greeted with disdain - so I ordered them anyways.  They came out plated fancily (is that even a word?) with a cream and salsa drizzled on top - one bite and instant foodgasm. I haven’t had something so unique and delicious since we were at humuhumunukunukuapua’a in Hawaii. YUM. 
So cravings happen, right? I mean for me it’s daily. I was making Mexican food and with the thought of Mexican came the empanadas (even though I know those are more Spanish, so sue me) and with the thought of empanadas came my expert google search skills and BAM - I found a recipe that was adapted from Border Grill itself. Oh the glory! My excitement sang - I just upped my position as world’s best wife to #1 FOREVER with this recipe. 
The process was…long, to say the least. This is definitely not a, wake up at 7am, go to work and decide mid-day to make it, kind of recipe. This is a weekend saver, or a day off saver - or maybe breaking it down for two days. 
I made a few changes to the recipe based on what I remembered from the restaurant menu. I did cotija cheese instead of the anajo and I added a little sugar to my dough to increase the sweetness.  The dough would have probably been just as sweet had the plantains I selected been a little more ripe! 

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