Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Just a Bite

I’ve never thought myself to be creative, not in the least bit. Funny, yes. I think I’m hilarious even if I am the only one laughing at my jokes or comments. Sometimes my creative juices hit me like a car fleeing a burglary - and this is one of those times.  I was in a sales meeting a few weeks back and our assignment was to come up with a creative role play to present our value propositions (sounds thrilling doesn’t it?). The ideas were coming at me like college kids at an open bar. “I’m envisioning an old school Batman episode, BOOM - this is why we’re better, BAM - you like me Mr. Manager, POW - buy our product…” my team all replied “Ash, when you’re young, you’re creative and you want to win, when you’re old like us, you just want to get by. Let’s just do a basic role play”. WHAT? My creative juices were SMASHED with a bat of an eye. Ok, so maybe it wasn’t a great idea. I can accept that. 

This got me thinking, I want to always have that "go get 'em" and "winning" attitude. How does one achieve that? I guess it's to do things that pull them from the depths of boredom, the mundane grind of every day office life.  I've always dreamed of being famous - maybe I'd be a top 40 singer (except that I can't hold a tune), or maybe I'd be an Oscar winning actress (except that I have a terrible short term memory and would never remember a script), or maybe I can score a spot on Emmy winning TV show "Glee" as Santana's younger sister- SNAP into reality I realized the only shot I have at being famous is for food.  I LOVE food. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Rachel Ray and I know that - but my passion for scrumptious meals will never sell me short.
So here I am, taking a shot at creativity once again. Just a Bite takes one through the musings of my life and my love for food and fitness.  ”I just want a bite” is something I find myself saying all the time, a snippit, a taste, a little bit - it drives almost every one around me nuts. My husband now knows better (it took  him almost five years to figure out) than to expect me to bring him something without a bite missing. I now have learned to try and hide the bite, just to mask my addiction.My boss now knows that if he brings in donuts, he should bring up knives too because I am that person who is taking out a quarter of the donut just to taste. I’m here to provide you with that, just a bite of things everyone can relate to and if not, food that yumaholics will all enjoy! 

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