Thursday, December 20, 2012

Title Boxing - Another @$$ Kicker

It happened - I got my butt kicked AGAIN. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone through a workout and was staring at the clock, praying that it was almost over…until I went to my first class at Title Boxing in Buffalo Grove, IL. I’ve been looking for a fitness challenge, my newest fix - something that is going to throw me off this plateau that I’ve been on and get me back to “wedding weight” as I so affectionately like to call it. Lately, that “wedding weight” seems to be such an arbitrary number - everyone thinks I’m crazy - that I look just fine, that the number doesn’t matter, that I was too thin for my wedding due to stress. But none of that matters to me, what matters is that I’ve set a goal and I intend to hit it, no matter how long it takes (although I’m hoping sooner rather than later because man, this has been harder than being wedding weight before!). 
That being said, I’ve lost about 3 lbs since I started working with my trainer.  Ok, so three #s seems like nothing, but on a fairly small frame, with body fat in the “athlete” range and someone (despite the recipes you see) to eats relatively healthy, three #s is remarkable, but I need more. Enter Title Boxing. My husband and I have driven past and talked about joining a million times (ok, like twice, but who’s counting anyways?), this past Friday we finally took the plunge.  I’ll admit, I’ve done some intense workouts in my day. My cousin used to own a gym that followed Crossfit principles, I’ve done CrossFit, I’ve deadlifted more than my weight, thrown barbells over my head, run until I was in pain. I went into this place expecting a walk in the park…I wore my leggings instead of shorts, put on the t-shirt I had been wearing all day instead of an actual “gym” shirt - I was ready for a workout, not boot camp.  
I could not have been more wrong. Twenty minutes into the “warm up” Steve and I looked at one another with mere panic in our eyes. “Only 5 more minutes of the warm up guys, c’mon, you can do it, power through” shouted our trainer. FIVE MORE MINUTES? 
It was AWESOME. I dripped sweat the whole time, was so sore and tired I wanted to give up more than anything.  It was by far one of the best workouts I had had in a long time. So challenging, so different, so hard! Needless to say…we signed up for the next few months, and the next day we both could barely move.  Try it - if you can handle the workout, its totally worth it! 

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